february 2025
- angeline era — gorgeous game. i don’t like playing with a controller so i was cranky at the beginning, but it was worth getting over that. the level “recently cleared land” is what made me think “i absolutely have to play this one”
- isopod — i love to see a bug game, but unfortunately this one gives me motion sickness. tried adjusting the field of view and other settings, but being flung with the magnet and spinning around to close the pipe valves were too much
- kabuto park — now this is bug gaming. hell yeah
- price of flight — irreverent bird gameshow RPG ★★★★★
- mythic mire — the trailer is much more interesting than the demo. i like the enemy designs and the FMV bits, but beyond the visuals there’s not much there. i want to like it, but the existing dialogue is so boring…
- isle of reveries — zelda-like with a lot of charm and polish. i really enjoyed the hour i played, so i backed it on kickstarter. fishing minigame stretch goal :-)
- hot wax — tetris but all the pieces are candles. they’re only cleared when burnt, so the trick is lining up the wicks so the flame gets transferred instead of snuffed. very different (and compelling) strategy
- fumehead — didn’t care for the opening dialogue, and the way the camera constantly sways makes me feel sick
- kill the music — is it just me or are the button presses not synced up with the music at all? also i think a game so music-centric needs more interesting music. really stylish menus and i love the character design though
mecha interlude
- mecha break — i thought this was a pvp game but then it launched me into a character creator for a woman in a skinsuit with unearthly boob physics. good thing there are like 5 sliders for customizing her ass because you will be seeing it a lot. after an hour of solo missions and the most boring cutscenes ever, i finally got to what i thought the game is. somehow, i not only won, but got mvp (!?) , for my first two matches. no one else plays the objective, i guess. i just walked up and grabbed them. bizarre spectacle overall
- chaos front — yay mecha tactics :-) battles are kind of slow and the characters/world haven’t really hooked me, but i’ll most likely play the full version because i have a fondness for this kind of thing
- haneda girl — shrug
- break arts iii — i didn’t play i or ii (or read the store page, ha), so i didn’t realize this game was about racing? like on a track? the first level had me go around a circular racetrack, shoot each of my opponents once, never see them again, and win? surely it gets more complex than that, but i’m not really interested
- nitro express — tagged
on steam but the demo doesn’t feature any. sad. cute game though- nitro gen omega — this one’s a mecha game through and through, with lots of features i generally enjoy in a game, but ooough. veeeery rough around the edges. i want it to be good. i hope it will be eventually
- am i nima — wowww “words can be dragged from your brain down to your mouth to unlock new dialogue options” yes yes yes yes yes. very excited and scared to play the whole thing. excited because everything about it is so compelling, and scared because i have a difficult relationship with my mom and this is… well.. it’s fucked
- repose — gorgeous 1-bit dithered graphics and interesting setting but i get too scared. there was a guy. too scary
- mudborne — unscared myself with some frogs. didn’t get far enough into the game to see how genetics works yet, but i’ll be back to chill in the pond
- locomoto — super cute. i ended up playing for way longer than i intended because it was such a nice experience. ben peeked over my shoulder at one point and said “this looks like massachusetts”
- mashina — i looove stop-motion animation. can’t get enough of the look of this and it’s fun to dig in the ground
- despelote — the opening sequence made me say wow out loud. fantastic visual style. deeply moving
- doloc town — i like it! the art/setting/music are all super charming and i enjoy little gathering and farming tasks. the overuse of text animations annoyed me though. three different animations in a single speech bubble??
- goodlands — veggie sandwich bouncing around in the truck bed made me laugh. also ermm sorry to the triceratops skull i beat up with the dremel tool. i’ll do better next time when i’m achievement hunting