remember: this is not a to-do list

  • gallery of my neopets drawings from 2005-2007
    • have one of my old notebooks, still need to scan it
    • not sure about the layout. i looked at the petpages i made in that era and it seems like i was using templates and breaking them, so i donā€™t want to do thatā€¦ maybe something inspired by the default petpages?
  • higley copper coin flip
  • twitter archive
    • data export done, but the format is a pain in the ass
    • so many tweets, and so few are worth archiving
  • instagram archive
    • data export done, and the format is less annoying than twitterā€™s
    • all of my favorite photos are of ben, but heā€™s not comfortable with those being on my site. very reasonable; iā€™m not comfortable with photos of myself being on my site either. (i think thereā€™s one or two exceptions, but theyā€™re low res and ditheredā€¦) the idea of going through the archive and redacting all photos of us really bums me out, so i keep putting it off. makes me dream about making a private website only accessible by friends and family. maybe on a flash drive i carry around?