
Context from my blog post about random site portals


  • databases and archives
  • community hubs
  • net art
  • resources, tutorials, and syllabi


  • tech giants
  • commerce and paywalls
  • productivity tools
  • websites about making websites
  • blogs, portfolios, and personal sites

Page number milestones

# of pagesDate
100I forgot
200May 19, 2024
300Feb 03, 2025

Visual Basic! in Excel!

Function CheckURL(url As String)
    Dim request As Object
    Dim rc As Variant
    Set request = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
    On Error GoTo haveError
    With request
        .Open "HEAD", url, False
        rc = .StatusText
    End With
    Set request = Nothing
    If rc = "OK" Then CheckURL = True Else CheckURL = False
    Exit Function
    CheckURL = False
End Function

Source: this reddit comment

Date# dead% dead

How it’s made

I started with this random redirect php script, but I eventually split it into two files so I could use the variable $size without executing the redirect.


$addresses = [
$size = count($addresses);
$randomIndex = rand(0, $size - 1);
$randomUrl = $addresses[$randomIndex];


include 'sites.php';
header('Location: ' . $randomUrl, true, 303);

Then, in index.php, I can display the project’s stats with the following code:

include 'sites.php';
echo "Last updated: " .  
date("F d Y", filemtime("sites.php"));
Site count: <?= $size ?>

Spore dispersal is currently hosted on InfinityFree. I don’t love it, but it gets the job done.